Thursday, July 29, 2021

What is a Moisturizer and How it Works?

What is a Moisturizer and How it Works?

The benefits of moisturizing your face every day will help you to keep the skin clear, glowing skin, softer, smoother, wrinkle-free and reduce the dry spots.

Skincare : Your skin is the largest organ in the body and the first line of defense against harmful microbes, pollution, and UV rays. In scientific terms, your skin is technically "dry" when its moisture level is less than 10%. That's when you're most likely to smother yourself in body lotion. Especially dry, irritated, or inflamed skin is also called Xerosis, which is usually a minor and temporary problem that can be solved with good moisturizing lotions.

There are three different layers of the skin: the outer layer (epidermis), middle layer (dermis), and lower layer (hypodermis or fatty layer). Moisture is delivered to the skin via blood vessels, but they only supply moisture to the middle layer of the skin, the dermis. From there, water travels upward and outward through the epidermis before evaporating into the atmosphere.

How moisturizer works on your skin?

Moisturizers rehydrate the top layer of skin cells and seal in water. It is one of the best ways to treat dry skin.

Applying moisturizer to your face will increase the wetness level of the corneum (outermost layer of the epidermis), stop the skin from drying out and if the moisturizer contains a sunscreen, also protect against sun damage. The stratum corneum is made up of fat, oil and skin cells that lock moisture in the skin.

The moisturizer also alters the skin’s natural balance of proteins, water, and lipids. Helping the skin in holding and retaining the water and keeping the skin well hydrated. Moisturizer is necessary for all type of skin including oily and dry skin.

What you can expect from using a moisturizer?
  • Prevent Dullness
  • Help skin stay young
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles
  • Reduce skin problems
A tip for you

Keep a body lotion handy so that can apply to damp skin after showering, paying particular attention to areas that tend to be drier, like your knees and elbows. Also, keep your lip moisturized by applying a hydrating lip balm whenever needed throughout the day.

With the glut of lotions and creams on the market, it can be easy to get lost in the sea of brand-named jellies. At the most basic level, however, there are three types of moisturizers named Occlusives, Emollients and Humectants. Each works slightly differently, but most products combine all three.

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